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Speurtocht foto c Bram Vreugdenhil 5

Educatieprogramma's in de Grote Kerk Breda. Foto: Bram Vreugdenhil

How do you give a contemporary purpose to a building that originally had a religious function? The Grote Kerk Breda actively pursues this question. For more than 750 years, this extraordinary building has been a house of stories that moves along with the changing world. 

With the help of interactive programmes, pupils will discover connections between the present and the past. They will discover that what interests them now is not so different from the issues of the past. Under the guidance of art teachers, pupils are encouraged to engage in conversation with each other about diversity, tolerance, history and citizenship, among other things. As a result, they will learn more about themselves, each other and the world around them. 

The stories in the Grote Kerk Breda contribute to a better understanding of the past, the present, others and ourselves.
Speurtocht foto c Bram Vreugdenhil 9

Educatieprogramma De Ontdekking in de Grote Kerk Breda. Foto: Bram Vreugdenhil


Everywhere you look there is something to discover. From the tombs of the ancestors of the Dutch Royal Family in the Prince's Chapel to murals, fabulous creatures, birds and knights. With a scavenger hunt booklet containing various practical and creative assignments, pupils discover the stories of the Grote Kerk Breda.

Practical info the discovery:

  • Duration: 60 minutes
  • Suitable for: groups 5 & 6
  • Aligns with the subjects: History, Drawing
  • Costs: € 3.50 per pupil
  • Preparatory teaching note: download here
Speuren en spelen foto c Else Loof 9

Educatieprogramma Beeldbrekers in de Grote Kerk Breda. Foto: Else Loof


How do we turn learning about the past into learning from the past?

From the Iconoclasm to the history of colonialism and slavery or the Second World War; as soon as you know where to look, the – sometimes hidden – stories become visible. Under the guidance of a museum teacher, the pupils engage in a dialogue with each other on issues such as coexistence, diversity and tolerance. How was it with these issues in the past? And how is it now?

By making connections between the present and the past, the 'Iconoclasts' programme resonates with pupils' perceptions. Thus, they are encouraged to talk to each other about their ideas and how they view their everyday environment. This enables pupils to learn more about themselves, each other and the world around them.

Practical info iconoclasts:

  • Duration: 75 minutes
  • Suitable for: groups 7 & 8
  • Aligns with the subjects: History, Drawing
  • Costs: € 5 per pupil
  • Preparatory teaching note: download here