Summer evenings in Breda become magical with the weekly carillon concert from the tower of the Grote Kerk Breda.
Every Thursday evening in August, starting at 7pm you can enjoy beautiful sounds of carillonneurs from all over the world. The Bellringers' Guild Breda (Klokkenluidersgilde Breda) sets the tone with a festive introduction to each concert.
• 1 August: Wim van den Broeck, carillonneur in Peer, Genk and Diest (BE)
• 8 August: Bernard Winsemius, emeritus carillonneur of Amsterdam and Haarlem (NL)
• 15 August: Jessica Simonetti, graduated this year from the Netherlands Carillon School in Amersfoort (NL)
• 22 August: Koen Van Assche, carillonneur in Antwerpen, Lier, Turnhout and Herentals (BE) Soirée in collaboration with the Begijnhof on the theme of opera music.
• 29 August: David van der Vlies, Interim city carillonneur of Breda and city carillonneur of Veere (NL)