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50x75cm Mizutani 20130814 8199

Foto: Yoshinori Mizutani

Sat 16 Sep – Sun 3 Dec

Atelier EXB, BredaPhoto and the Grote Kerk Breda joined forces to bring together 14 top international photographers who presented their personal visions of these wondrous creatures in the photo exhibition Vrije Vogels from 16 September to 3 December 2023.

Humans have always dreamed of flying. But we still haven't managed to do so in the same free manner as birds do. Perhaps that is what makes them so fascinating to us. 

Their colourful feathers, graceful agility, the strength of their wings, their melodic song and magical dance in the sky have inspired many artists over the centuries.
90x120cm Pellegrin PEP2019005 G0418 4042 crop

Foto: Paolo Pellegrin

Aviary of the world

Vrije Vogels is like an aviary of the world, from familiar city birds to birds in faraway lands. The different perspectives of the photographers invited visitors to admire the birds in their natural habitats. Sometimes as rapidly passing shadows against the bright light of the sun, sometimes face to face in close-up. The photos reveal the variety of worlds in which birds live and simultaneously raise questions about threats to their habitats, of which climate change is the most alarming.

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Vrije Vogels in de Grote Kerk Breda

15 From Kyunghee Lee Des oiseaux Atelier EXB 2023

Foto: Kyunghee Lee

Dutch premiere

Bernard Plossu, Pentti Sammallahti, Yoshinori Mizutani, Terri Weifenbach, Graciela Iturbide, Michael Kenna, Leila Jeffreys, Albarrán Cabrera, Byung-Hun Min, Rinko Kawauchi, Paolo Pellegrin, Christophe Maout, Roger Ballen and Kyunghee Lee are the contemporary photographers from ten different countries, each presenting their own artistic vision of birds. 

They were brought together by Atelier EXB in the series of books Des oiseaux and now also in an exhibition. At the Grote Kerk Breda, this exhibition had its Dutch premiere under the title Vrije Vogels. Moreover, the work of Kyunghee Lee, the most recent addition to the series, was shown here for the first time.

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Vrije Vogels in de Grote Kerk Breda

Extra activities

There were many other activities during Vrije Vogels. These included a scavenger hunt for young and old that allowed you to spot birds both in the exhibition and in the church and to learn more about their meanings. You could also combine your visit to the exhibition with a walk and discover some of the most remarkable birds in and around Breda city centre. You could enjoy the complementary film programme we organised in collaboration with Filmhuis Breda, including the critically acclaimed documentary All That Breathes by director Shaunak Sen and the children's film Kauwboy, or join one of the public guided tours on Saturday afternoon or the Early-Bird Reclining Concert(c) Bach & Beatles or the Early-Bird Reclining Concert(c) Canto Ostinato & Best of Einaudi on Sunday morning.


Curious about all things related to nature, science and art, in 2018 the renowned French publisher Xavier Barral launched the series of books Des oiseaux: birds as seen through the eyes of famous photographers. The curators of Atelier EXB, Nathalie Chapuis and Philippe Séclier, transformed the photo book series into an exhibition.

The Grote Kerk Breda and BredaPhoto have been working together consistently for quite some time. In 2020 on the exhibition China Imagined, and the two organisations also collaborated substantively for the 2022 edition of the BredaPhoto Festival, and made the exhibition Space to Breathe by Newsha Tavakolian a great success. It is therefore not surprising that both organisations are now joining forces in between festival editions as well.

Vrije Vogels was a co-production of Atelier EXB, BredaPhoto and the Grote Kerk Breda. The exhibition was co-sponsored by the municipality of Breda.